Greetings true believers!
The moment you have been looking forward to has arrived.
Chrono Trigger: Flames of Eternity RC3 is now available for your general consumption! Go ahead and grab your copy!
Here is the change log for this version, ( Dark_Schneider is AWESOME for doing the amazing things he does!)
Dark_Schneider's Change Log for RC3:
- Added the third ending in the game.
- Fixed all graphical issues with the new ending.
- Fixed some bugs namely in the Alya/Yaluk scene and the gates in the Magus/Schala/DD scene.
- Fixed the years in the time selector.
- Fixed issues being able to run from the Lion Tank Fight
- Fixed a few stray dialogue errors
- Touched up a few maps here and there.
- Added the cat house (Left over CE Dev area, take the lines with a grain of humor)
This release has been the most thoroughly play tested releases to date of CT: Flames of Eternity. A lot of work has been poured into this by the new team to try to make it as enjoyable and smooth an experience as we can give to the players.
So please, download and enjoy this release!
~Share and Enjoy!
EDIT 1: DO NOT POST BUG REPORTS ON THE GAME IN THE COMMENTS OF THE BLOG!!! Email Bug reports to: - be as specific as you possibly can, give us as much detail as possible on the bugs/issues found.