Greetings true believers...
I would be lying to you if I said nothing was wrong, so I'll get straight to the point. Flames of Eternity needs your help, I need your help. Communication has ceased with the previous developer, more than likely because of life happening. Life has happened to me as well, as a major transition occurred in my life, along with two moves and career changes. One thing that I have not given up on is the hope of seeing this project through to completion.
Excuses aside, here is the one main fact:
I still have copies of the developmental files and notes from Enhasa. Also copies of the tools used through development!
I am asking for Mugen Kagemaru to contact me at: ASAP!!! Even through Google Hangouts.
I will be checking this email address frequently.
Please please keep hope alive!
If you think you can provide a meaningful contribution to this project, email me at the address posted above, and attach copies of your work. I have to weed out the unskilled hopefuls from the skilled hopefuls. This is nothing against the community at all, this is because of the simple fact that I do not have the time to spin up people on using the developmental tools, and this is a failure on my part. I am a father and a husband, as well as working a full time job.
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