Thursday, December 30, 2010

Explanation on the accent(s)

In a majority of the e-mails I get telling me about “bugs” and from what I read on message board topics about this game, people have an issue with what I’ve done with “Agent 86”, he intentionally talks like this. Here are the reasons why, and note, that the accent “Agent 86” has will not change.

1) Agent 86 was originally Agent 12, one of the original CE developer’s attempt to write himself into the story.

2) I changed this character dramatically by adding this simple accent because this project is NOT endorsed (and never will be) by the Chrono Compendium.

3) This accent is in the game to draw away from the overly serious tone of certain moments in the game.

4) It is meant to add a small drop humor to everything.

5) It is a game, enjoy it, and don’t take it seriously.



Friday, December 24, 2010

The Christmas Release! :D

This build is the RubyDragoons way of saying “Merry Christmas”, as this is a very special build of Chrono Trigger: Flames of Eternity. This is the first publicly available build that is fully SNES9x compatible! Whichlucca_sketch1sm means… YOU CAN PLAY THIS ON ANYTHING.
As that isn’t the only part, here is the changelog from Dark_Schnider
”Added the Belthasar's side quest dialog.
Fixed Kasmir's name in his final battle. (It is no longer Guardian and Bit)
Some other minor changes.”
*These 'other minor changes' are actually remixed music. :P

Here is some more AMAZING FoE art from the EXTREMELY Talented “Kame Turtle”, as this is obviously Lucca –>

This is the link to the latest build.
Also here is a megaupload link, as someone requested one.

Merry Christmas!!

And as always…
Share and Enjoy.


EDIT: I need to apologize. The earlier release was not usable on ANY system, as it would freeze after you selected a chapter. I have hence forth UPDATED the uploaded file with a working build. :D Game on!

EDIT 2: If you want to make aware issues you have with the game, then E-MAIL THEM TO ME. I post my e-mail up here enough, and I READ EVERY E-MAIL I GET. I'm not trying to be a dick, but the blog is where I post release news, and I will delete comments about bugs and what not if they're not sent as I ask them to be... IN AN E-MAIL

Testing updates (all good news. :D)

Good news for all. As those testers who have e-mailed me have given back positive results on functionality on the SNES9x build. king_zeal_1smIn my own personal testing, this build works find on my Wii, PSP and anything else that runs SNES9x.

Enjoy the recent artwork, which is all thanks to the amazing Kame Turtle, today we have King Zeal ------>
As she's obviously VERY talented.

The day of the universal FoE build is close at hand. Open-mouthed smile


Monday, December 20, 2010

In NEED of testers!!!!

Alright, I need people to test out a build that is supposedly compatible with SNES9x and it has the Glenn patch applied.

To test, e-mail me @
Note Glenn -------------------------------------->

The picture is thanks to a VERY talented artist who goes by the handle of "Kame Turtle"

EDIT: Testing is on going as I have had a small response. This is something that has been asked of me for quite a while now. So please, if interested, E-MAIL!!!!
UPDATE: On some of my personal testing so far, I have had no issues on my Wii.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

TheNattak 2.0 build! :D

Alrighty, TheNattak has been all over FoE like a fat kid on cake, and already in the chute is another polish patch. Here are the update notes:

“- Fixed some more bad tiles
- Fixed some punctuation
- Balanced enemies in Fionas forest, Magus's chapter, and Marle's chapter”

Here is the link to the latest build! Open-mouthed smile

Share and Enjoy


Friday, December 17, 2010

TheNattak patch! :D

Today sees a very welcome update from TheNattak:

“- Reworked the intro and character naming at start
- Fixed a glitchy battle with Dalton at the fair Gato Exhibit
- Fixed the Vision Serpent so it shows up during battle
- Fixed a bad tile on the overworld map next to Fiona's Forest
- Fixed a bad tile in the Museum
- Added boss music track back to the Lion Tank battle on Zenan Bridge
- Swapped out Magus's portrait for another one”

This is the link to the latest build.

Share and Enjoy!


EDIT: Updated the ROM again, fixed an area where it was having the name screen coming up in the wrong spot.

PS: I am looking for people willing to test a PORTABLE version of FoE, this means one that works on PSP's, DS's (if you have the right emulators) and other portable systems. If you are interested, e-mail me:
As this build will not be made available publiclly.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Beating out some of the Fugly- Update 16 December

Giro got bored and went through and cleaned up some of the maps.
These are all some polishing changes, and one line change.

This is the link to the latest build.

Share and Enjoy


Sunday, December 12, 2010

12 December Update.

Update brought to you by Dark_Schnieder AND Giro. This update contains a few textual changes and some under the hood changes.

This is the link to the latest build.

Share and Enjoy.


Pro Tip!: To carry over your awesome savegames between updates of the Rom, rename your .srm file to the same name of the current FoE build located in your roms folder.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Updates for 11 December 2010.

Today we see another update from the RubyDragoon, Dark_Schnider…foe copy1

As per his release notes:
Fixed THE END screen.
Fixed some typos.
Added the Black Rock accessory in a treasure chest.
Started working on the ending credits.

This is the link to the latest build.
As always…

Share and Enjoy

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Updated CTM package with recent release of the Build


I have put together an updated CTM package with the 02 December build in the folder as well for play now!

This is the link to it! Just unzip, run CTM.exe and you're good to play.

Share and enjoy!


PS: When you play this build, USE ZSNES!! You'd be using ZSNES if you're playing it with the CTM. As I personally test every 'bug complaint' that's e-mailed to me. 95% of the 'technical issues' are related to using FoE in an incompatible emulator.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Big News!

This is the update we have been working on for quite a while. This latest build includes the new ending scene within it. Due to a lot of effort by Dark3mx, the scene is now working properly and in the game.

Here is the link to the new build!
Again, if you need directions for updating the game within CTM, please, write me.

As always,
Share and enjoy.

With much love

EDIT: This means that the main story for FoE has been fleshed out. All further updates are done to put more polish (fixing typos, modifying the techs, squashing little bugs) onto the game. Which means the occasional update here and there.


I’m working on tweaking and putting the finishing touches on the latest patch. I still need to consult a few sources but it will be done soon. I will be making the two week deadline I promised. Open-mouthed smile


Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I am consulting with my sources and mentors, and progress is being made on the upbeat ending! Hopefully within two weeks it will be done!

Also, enjoy the screen shot!


Things are coming along!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Information slavage

I have salvaged some much needed Temporal Flux information.
Here is the link to it!

Share and enjoy.


Note: Glenn... ---->>

Future possibilities


I am aware of the issues when you play FoE on the PSP. ( I have a PSP myself ) With this in mind. I am aware that some people would like to have a playable copy for portable systems, but you must keep in mind that if I do release a ‘watered down version’, it will be without Glenn and have Frog playable.

Leave comments to this post on your thoughts of this. As this would end up with us forking into different versions of CT:FoE, which I am not comfortable doing, that means more work maintaining multiple versions.



Sunday, November 28, 2010

Status updates for 28-Nov-10!!

More changes from kunzite (now known as Dark_Schneider)!

“The changes included the previous cosmetic changes, fixed some of the side quest (Glenn's side quest and the forest in 605 AD),
fixed the time selector period from 2302 to 2305, fixed the Year Box in the overworld maps, and fixed some typos. Also added a new
map (the residence area in 2305 AD).”

This is the link to the newest update.
Again, if you want to use this with CTM and need more specific instructions, don’t be afraid to e-mail me.

Share and enjoy!


EDIT: Fixed a transparency issue with the Year Display! :O

Saturday, November 20, 2010

20th November Update

This month comes an update with a few cosmetic changes to the 2035 overworld map, courtesy of my friend, Kunzite.

This contains the most recent update. To use this with the FoE CTM package available below, you'll have to download both the CTM package and then drop this file into the specific folder.

If you need more specific instructions, do not be afraid to e-mail me.

As always,
Share and Enjoy!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I need opinions!


I need some serious opinions.

Please leave comments or e-mail me @

Would you prefer I do one massive update at one time? Or… do up a final ‘patch’ to place the game with the more upbeat ending and then smaller patches for spelling corrections and other small fixes later on?


Thank you!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Still working!

All objects are written up properly in Temporal Flux, I have what I want to load in the location event, still working on figuring a bit of flow issues out with the game. I.e. which scenes I want to load and when.

I am working on it.


Monday, October 18, 2010

As promised

This link contains the latest build of Chrono Trigger : Flames of Eternity along with the track collection used for the sound track. :D

As a side note, work is underway on what I would consider to be my final build of the game. This is changing the ending for the better.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Home for Status Updates on Chrono Trigger: Flames of Eternity!

Well, due to fears from powers that be, we (well, me Giro) lost the website post for Chrono Trigger Flame of Eternity.

I figured I would post my current status updates and what not here.

You'll have to deal with my simple lay out, but know this that you'll find all the needed information to get the lastest copy of Chrono Trigger Flames of Eternity, and will be kept up to date as I feel the need to post!

first and foremost! The best place to obtain a copy of FoE is via links posted here. There will be a Megaupload link posted which have the full CTM package.

Remember, you must use ZSNES with CTM!!! I recommend you use ZSNES!
